The Training
Welcome to the fire. I am going to throw you into fire and heat you up. Then, I will pound you with a hammer and anvil and after, I will cool you in water.
Once you are cooled, I will test you against a stone. If you survive, I will hold you as a weapon. If you break, well that is on you.
Grand Master Byoung Yu.
A word to the wise
Drama is conflict. This approach will have a common theme that consist of 1) Art. 2) Human Behavior and 3) Combat. Be warned…
“This is not for thin skin people”
Enter the Fire
Caution: this is where my filter is removed.
This is for adults.
Class Business
Acting is a Contact sport.
Every thing in life that you desire has a battle or a war that you must go through to be victorious. In this Artform, the weapons of war is your authentic self.